『人新生の「資本論」』 “Das Kapital im Anthropozän”

集英社新書『人新生の「資本論」』(斎藤幸平 著)リンク
Saito, K. (2020) Das Kapital im Anthropozän , Shueisha


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I’m ashamed to confess that it was rare for me to have bought this book after watching Marugeki immediately, and finished reading in a few days. (I normally borrow books from library, read one page a day or so, and finish in a few years…)

This time the full version is for free to watch (on 5th Fridays, there’s free Marugeki)
Link to the 5th Friday free programme of videonews.com

While I had strong interest in SDGs, I sometimes felt dubious of its concept, including the issue of greenwashing.

So Kohei Saito’s ‘The SDGs are the “opium of the masses”‘ was shocking for me. I thought I should read it immediately.

So having eco bag is fine, having my bottle is nice. But after all, it won’t change this situation unfortunately. It’s not hard to imagine that in this climate crisis, more drastic change is needed. There’s no ideal technology to solve this in time. Finding new technology often means finding the way to pass the damage to weak people… well maybe it’s better everyone reads it rather than I try to sum up.

Anyway in conclusion, to save the Earth and save our and future living’s lives, we should give up current over-consumption life and seek abundance in non-material things.
I’ve had no objection to Communism, though I wasn’t particularly for it either, but now I can positively think that De-growth communist society is the way forward for us.

★Currently doing

I switched to Minden, which offers 100% renewable energy. I’m glad that I’m not paying for TEPCO. I will talk about it more later. Saito-sensei is also a Minden user!
Link to the Minden website

★Action items (take away from this book)

I joined labour union and signed up for volunteer of environmental NGO for now. And started this blog.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I went to lunch with a good friend of mine H today. (I got the wrong time and was 30min late… so sorry!)
She just started a new job and seems hard working. All the medical jobs sound tough. I felt I should change job soon so that I can do something more helpful for people.

USAGI Botanica we had lunch today, is a rare macrobiotic restaurant in Morioka. Its interior is also lovely.

今週のベジタブルランチ(写真掲載許可取得済み)Weekly Vegetable Lunch (photo permission granted) 写真はないけどノンカフェインの雑穀コーヒーもセットでついてきて良いです No photo but caffeine-free cereal coffee was also accompanied and it was nice