8月は特に平和を考える Especially Thinking about Peace in August

Poster of the play




アーカイブ動画 リンク

キャンプファイヤーのキャンペーンページ リンク




Hanging banner of the Yoshihiro Togashi Exhibition – PUZZLE –

As you know, August has the Victory over Japan Day (15th), following Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima (6th) and Nagasaki (9th), so I think not a small number of people think about the war and the peace in August.

I couldn’t join Nagasaki Forum this year, as the Labour Union I belong to gave the preference to those with no experience (as I already joined the Hiroshima Forum last year).
Link to my past blog post “Wishing Peace from Hiroshima”

Though it was a bit disappointing personally, I was glad that means more new people experienced the peace activity in Nagasaki.

What I did in August so far was to watch online talk on 6th of August for one thing.
Link to the archive video by Choose Life Project
Then joined the crowd funding campaign aiming to abolish nukes, introduced there.
Link to a campaign on CAMPFIRE

For another, I watched a stage “Yami ni Saku Hana” (meaning, blooming flowers in the dark), a play written by Hisashi Inoue and played by Komatsuza. I’m a “big fan” of Hisashi Inoue, though I’ve only read one book (more precisely, a collection of lectures) of his so far. However, I’m a true fan of the puppet play “Bottle Gourd Island” he wrote.

The story was very sad one, though it was framed by humors. It provokes rages against the unreasonableness of the war and the war itself. Life of ordinary people is destroyed by the war. How ridiculously sad.

Unfortunately, the tickets for Tokyo stage seem to be all sold out (I also got last minute through Komatsuza official website after all tickets at play guides were sold out), but it seems Osaka stage and Fukuoka stage tickets are still on sale, if you’re near.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I mentioned that I went to Kyoto, but the main destination this summer was Osaka. I missed Yoshihiro Togashi exhibition in Tokyo, so I went it in Osaka instead! How stupid I was to miss one in Tokyo, but I was glad that I have a base in West Japan as well. Throughout my life, I’ve become to love many manga, but “HUNTER x HUNTER” is one of my absolute favourite. I also liked “Yu Yu Hakusho” when I was a child, and I’ve recently enjoyed “Level-E” anime as well (though I heard many fans said the original manga was better than the anime).

By the way, I seriously wondered which I liked more, Kurama or Hiei, when I was a child (and the latter won), but after I’ve grown up, I like Yusuke the best. … but come to think of it, he’s only a junior high school student, isn’t he? … I wonder if I’m really grown up.

冨樫義博展- PUZZLE-の写真(写真撮影許可エリアでの撮影)
A photo from the Yoshihiro Togashi Exhibition – PUZZLE- (photo taken at the permitted area)