『きみのお金は誰のため』”Who is Your Money for?”

東洋経済新報社『きみのお金は誰のため―ボスが教えてくれた「お金の謎」と「社会のしくみ」』(田内学 著)リンク
M. Tauchi (2023) Who is Your Money for? The Boss Taught Me the Mystery of Money and How Society Works TOYO KEIZAI



田内さんの番組「 経世済民オイコノミア」を見ていたので、この本で取り上げられていることのいくつかは既に馴染みのある内容でした。




My breakfast’s acai bowl

(I thought I posted this in August! But it turned out I didn’t… please see it as a post on 31st August….)

This is a book by Tauchi-san, who has a programme in videonews.com, and I’m glad to see it seems to be selling well.

Since I’ve watched his proggramme OIKONOMIA, some of the things brought up in this books were already familiar to me.

As mentioned before, he changed my consumption behaviour to choose domestic products over imported/foreign products as much as I can.
Link to my past blog post “Life will Become less Convenient again”

It’s a insightful book with heartwarming story I want all the money seekers to read.