ここ1年くらい、ポップス、とりわけJ POPで良い曲を探しています。おすすめがあったら聞きたいです。
私は洋楽の方をよく聴いていたので、J POPはあまり詳しくありませんが、考えてみると、最近の洋楽も、そんなに好きだったのかなぁと思います。洋楽も、70年代とか80年代の曲のが方が好きな曲があるように感じます。最近の曲にあまり心を動かされないというのも残念ですが、まぁ、仕方ないよね。
【送料無料】 Carole King キャロルキング / Tapestry: つづれおり (7インチ紙ジャケ&SACDハイブリット盤) 【SACD】 価格:4,250円 |
I went to the talk show by Air Revolution today.
Though Miyadai-sensei said we’re strange people who came to that strange event theming “terror” on Sunday at noon, I enjoyed the event very much.
What is a little pity was that I couldn’t follow their talk occasionally, due to lack of history knowledge or simply knowledge. I’ve got to read more.
First half was streamed for Air Revolution members as well.
Link to Air Revolution aired on 23rd July 2023
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
I’ve been looking for pop music that I like for past year or so, especially Japanese pop songs. I’d like to hear your recommendations if you have any.
I’m not really familiar with Japanese pop songs as I’ve listened to English pop songs more. But when I think about it now, I’m not sure if I’ve really liked recent English pop songs. I think I like them to some extent, but maybe not that much. Those I like tend to be from 70s or 80s. It’s a bit sad that I can’t be impressed by latest songs much… oh well, it’s just the way it is.
My iPhone happened to play songs of Carol King, one of my favourite singers, today, so let me introduce her songs. My favourite so far is “Home Again”, followed by “You’ve Got a Friend” and “Where You Lead.” All of them are in her album “Tapestry.”