沖縄慰霊の日 Okinawa Memorial Day


今日は沖縄慰霊の日です。犠牲になられた方々のご冥福をお祈りするとともに、沖縄の未来の為に祈りたいと思います。同時に、沖縄の選挙結果が玉城県政にとって厳しいものであったことを残念に思います。もう、皆さんどうか長期的視点で見てください!自民党の 「アメとムチ 」のアメに騙されないで欲しいです。




Birthday celebration for aunt at the French restaurant MONT FLEUVE (photo permission granted)

Today is the Okinawa Memorial Day. I pray for the souls sacrificed, and pray for the future of Okinawa. At the same time, it’s a shame that the Okinawa election result was hard for Tamaki prefectural government. Oh people… please see it as a long run. Please don’t be trapped by LDP’s carrot of the “carrot and the stick.”

I used to count on Sawafuji-san’s blog (such as that of the year before) for remembering this day, but since he stopped daily update of his blog after 10 years anniversary of daily updates, it is the newspaper Akahata I am relying on now.

Since I now watch a lot of news source (most notably videonews.com) and watch many other very informative intriguing programmes (such as Air Revolution – though the hosting server is currently down and it can’t be watched right now), as well as reading Sawafuji-san’s blog (still trying to catch up past posts after he stopped daily update) and subscribing the newspaper Akahata, I had become a little confident that I now know much about the society than average people and more educated than the past self.

However, my confidence was easily shattered after attending a gathering formed by a group of people, who attended last year’s videonews.com event, which I haven’t written about. (So many things I haven’t written!) Those people’s know a lot! There are many terms, news, people that I didn’t know. I couldn’t keep up with the conversation here and there…. Ok, I still don’t know much. Considering how little I read, no wonder….