さよなら原発全国集会 Sayonara Nukes 2025 Spring

The slogan of the event.



Happy International Women’s Day! I did nothing for this day, except for appreciating mimosa my mother bought, but I did join a protest against nuclear power plants again. I’m not sure if it was actually a Spring session or not, and today was quite cold as a Spring day, but anyway….
Link to my past blog post “Sayonara Nukes 2024 Autumn”

This time with a regular friend of mine, A. She had been interested in this area for quite some time. She had asked for my recommendation on renewable energy provider last year (so I introduced Minden), and had said she had been interested in joining protests against nuclear power plants, but it was her first time actually joining a protest.

Although my schedule has been tight, weather was not very good, was quite cold, and pollen was everywhere, I am glad that I joined, as my joining it resulted in pushing her back, and it was funner with her for me as well.

The Shimane Castle