
Happy International Women’s Day! I did nothing for this day, except for appreciating mimosa my mother bought, but I did join a protest against nuclear power plants again. I’m not sure if it was actually a Spring session or not, and today was quite cold as a Spring day, but anyway….
Link to my past blog post “Sayonara Nukes 2024 Autumn”
This time with a regular friend of mine, A. She had been interested in this area for quite some time. She had asked for my recommendation on renewable energy provider last year (so I introduced Minden), and had said she had been interested in joining protests against nuclear power plants, but it was her first time actually joining a protest.
Although my schedule has been tight, weather was not very good, was quite cold, and pollen was everywhere, I am glad that I joined, as my joining it resulted in pushing her back, and it was funner with her for me as well.
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
In February, I went to a trip to Shimane, via Kyoto. It was a recommendation by a famous fortuneteller. His advice was in short, ‘have nice meals and go on trips to hot spring.’ What an advice. I will definitely take that! And Sanin area was the most recommended.
It was hard getting there, as it was heavily snowing and many limited express trains were cancelled, but Shimane was such a lovely place… except for that there are nuclear power plants there. I think people in Shimane are clever, as they chose the prefectural governor and the prefectural assembly members, who speak up against the plan to raise the ceiling on out-of-pocket expenses for high-cost medical care. So I hope they will also work together to stop those nuclear power plants.
Would love to visit this place again, though it should not be in Winter again. (Transport cannot said to be very convenient.)