広島から平和を願う Wishing Peace from Hiroshima

原爆ドーム The A-bomb Dome                                                     












I joined Hiroshima Forum on 5th August, and cenotaph tour and the ceremony in front of the monument pledging allegiance to war on 6th August.

The peace forum is an annual forum held by Japan Mass Media Culture Information Workers’ Union Conference (MIC). The leading group of the labour union I belong to joins MIC. It was Hiroshima’s turn this year.

Many of the attendees are from mass media industry. I felt their overflowing sense of mission toward media’s role in protecting peace. Our labour union is based rather on culture industry than media industry, so it was a bit of culture shock for me. However, it was emphasized in the forum, that one method to regard the issue of war/atomic bomb as our own things, is to use something you can passionate about to combine peace activity, as well as getting to know individual story of the war (such as this project). So I’d like to find my way to do a peace activity.

After the forum, I went to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. What the gruesome exhibits tell is the human folly. I also felt it was nothing but testing on living people by US. It was my second visit to the museum, but it was much more natural to perceive the atomic bombing as such thing this time. Perhaps I’ve grown to some extent thanks to videonews.com etc. these years.

What was hopeful was that during the cenotaph tour by MIC, whether they are lured by the MIC banner or attracted by the Chugoku Newspaper labour union alumni, who was the volunteer guide for the cenotaph for the a-bomb victims, two university students somehow joined us before we really noticed. I also heard at the the forum that Hiroshima’s peace education used to be very active, but it’s decreasing these days (though it’s sill a lot compared with many other parts of Japan). So witnessing young people interested in peace is a hopeful experience.

These days, everything seem to be able to be done online, but I felt it is very meaningful for people to get together, sharing the heat among people, praying together, encouraging each other, especially in such special place like Hiroshima. I’m very lucky to have had such a chance thanks to the labour union, which covered the travel expense for me. (… that’s the point?) I didn’t forget enjoying Hiroshima sightseeing and food, though surprisingly Itsukushima Shrine archway was under repair and couldn’t see it!

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

It’s been quite a while now, but in March, I went to watch Mansai Nomura’s last stage as the Artistic Director of the Setagaya Public Theater.

It was study of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It was the first time for me to watch Shakespeare’s stage play (except for ballet) and also the first time to watch study. The actors had scripts in their hands, the costumes, stage decorations and props were very simple. Very interesting. I’d also like to watch the completed version someday. The talent of Mansai Nomura’s son… it seems it doesn’t matter that it’s his first play (not kyogen).

Setagaya Public Theater’s design was also unique and attractive. Hope I’ll have more chances to see stages there.

演劇のパンフレット play brochure