![]() | 【エレフォームポット対応】SARAYA ヤシノミ洗剤泡タイプ 500ml 泡 食器洗剤 詰め替え用(パウチ・泡・食器洗剤・ヤシの実洗剤・食器・キッチン・液体食器洗い洗剤)サラヤ 価格:447円 |

私たちが消費者としてできることは、 RSPC(持続可能なパーム油のための円卓会議)認証を受けているパーム油を使用した商品を買うことです。何でもスーパーで売られている商品のおよそ半分にはパーム油を使っているそうです。冒頭で紹介している食器用洗剤は、私が現在使っているもので、それもRSPC認証の商品の一例です。

I joined a tour to the palm oil farmers in Indonesia (world’s no.1 in production). Yes, that was an online tour, the part 1 of ‘WWF sustainable travel company online tour’.
I had had an environmentally negative impression for palm oil, but I learned that palm oil itself is not a bad thing and that’s incorrect way of farming that destroys forest and environment.
Many palm oil farmers in Indonesia start investing on palm oil farming, without knowing where and how to grow palms. Local government doesn’t know that either. It results in more deforestation, as they seek more palm oil farm to cover its low productivity.
WWF supports such farmers and local governments, such as in finding the right place to expand the palm oil farm (keeping forests, which need to be protected), and in forming farmers’ union to avoid to be bought cheaply.
Again, powerless individuals getting together, forming a union seems important and effective!
What we can do as a consumer is to buy products with palm oil (it’s said in the tour that about half of the products at supermarkets contains palm oil!) certified as RSPC (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil). Detergent I use is one example of such products (introduced on the top).
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
I didn’t mean a birthday holiday, but I skipped blogging for about a week…
I had my birthday the other day, and I made duck dish, as duck is the meat I like the most.
Duck turns out to be a little difficult to deal with (hard to cut and become stiff so soon) for me, and I decided that I will eat it at restaurants.