『もし、日本という国がなかったら』”If There Were No Japan: A Cultural Memoir”

集英社「もし、日本という国がなかったら」(ロジャー・パルバース 著)リンク
R. Pulvers (2014) If There Were No Japan: A Cultural Memoir , Shueisha






The recital poster

The author Roger Pulvers has had dazzling relations with various notable people, from Kei Wakaizumi to Hisashi Inoue and Ryuichi Sakamoto (R.I.P.). Riding the waves of life as he likes.

As a Japanese reader, the contents sometimes looked a little too stereotyped, or sometimes overestimating, but overall, I think the book gives us some awareness for the depth of Japanese culture that we overlooked or forget. I don’t think deep culture is something special to Japan, but it is also true that we have such culture to appreciate at the same time.

He’s been worried about the situations in Japan, from his love for Japan, for about 10 years already. Unfortunately the situation is worse now. This is an encouragement to Japanese, especially youngsters, to have a spirit of rebellion and buck the system to recover from where we currently stand. I’d recommend this book especially for those who’re conservative, but I’d also like to explore Japanese culture more with this book as a guidebook.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

After Nagoya, I went to Yokosuka to listen to our Tomo’s music again. It was actually one of the best recitals of German romanticism theme recitals of Tomoharu Ushida! I’ve been to the German romanticism recitals for perhaps 6 times, and I enjoyed every single recital, but it was possibly the best, including the encore, Bach’s Chaconne. I was so awed that when I stood up to clap hands, the most expensive bag I had ever gotten (I was holding it like a precious treasure until then) slipped off from my laps, but I left it on the floor for a while.