辺野古じゃなく安和だった Not Henoko but Awa

Photo of the activity (photo permission granted (by the gentleman in the back))




チェンジドットオーグのキャンペーンページ リンク












Scenery from the water buffalo cart

Back in March, we went to a family trip to Okinawa. It’s rare that my brother, who works as a doctor and rarely has holiday, had a week of vacation and it’s the timing my father retired for the second time, so it was a family trip to celebrate his retirement.

Though we only had a few days, my mother and I left these main people and joined the activity to protest against the Henoko base.

In case you’re not familiar with what’s wrong with Henoko base, it not only destroys beautiful sea and the nature, but it’s even impossible to build a base there, because of the soft ground!
As for me, I’m against the military bases in general.
It’s also unfair to force Okinawa to have military bases, that even emits PFAS.
There’s a petition against the Henoko base construction open until 19th May as well. If you haven’t joined, please join!
Link to a petition on Change.org

In Okinawa, there’s “Henoko Bus” operated every weekday and you can take it from the Kenmin Square in Naha.

We went to the square at 9am, determined to go to Henoko and protest there, but it turned out that every Friday the destination for the Henoko Bus from the square was to Awa sanbashi, where sediment for landfill are carried away from.

So we went to Awa sanbashi, without much understanding at first, but the organisers explained us about the details and overview of their activities on our way. They also headed there through Henoko to show us, who have never been there before.

There is a factory of a company called Ryukyu Cement there, and this is where the sediment comes from. There are hundreds of trucks coming in and out to carry sediment, and what we did was to interrupt the flow of trucks by crossing the road in front of the factory entrance very slowly.

It’s actually very effective in slowing down the construction. There’re 800 or something trucks come and go everyday, but the slow walks results in reducing 200 trucks or something a day (sorry I’ve forgotten the exact numbers…).

I couldn’t get to see that day, but sometimes canoe team also joins and delays the ships carrying the sediment.

What was disturbing was the security company, in that day’s case, ALSOC doing kind of negative campaign (keep saying “Please don’t be a nuisance.” loudly). It’s their doing to instruct the truck drivers to turn left to make us disturb other cars as a result, though it’s prohibited to turn left there! Some guards also touches our bodies to push us forward and that was really disgusting.

The activity was from around 11am to around 3pm including lunch time, but since it was already hot in Okinawa in March and the sunlight was killing, it was quite hard. I really respect that people engaging in the activity do the same even in the mid summer….

It was my second time in Okinawa but it had been a one night business trip last time, so it almost felt the first time. I’ve become to like Okinawa a lot, such a beautiful and relaxing place. Though our stay this time was really short (almost only one free day due to this activity and transportation), but I’m determined to come back to Okinawa as frequently as possible and join the activity again.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

We went to Taketomi Island this time. It was very beautiful! Didn’t have much time to explore Ishigaki Island, whose militarisation unfortunately has been progressed these days…. Very much want to go to Hateruma Island, Iriomote Island and Kohama Island next time as well.

Photo taken on our way to Taketomi Island