GX、Gは原発のG? Laws for GX, such a Green Wash


























Cherry blossom in the back and Japanese apricot tree in the front

I joined a protest activity against GX Promotion Bill, by which nuclear power plants are promoted, in front of the second assembly hall of the Lower House.

It was just a 10min participation as I had to head to a company social and I just dropped by.

Green Transformation sounds like environmentally friendly, but in fact, it supports nuclear industry and allows easier extension of nuclear power plants over 40 years old, ignoring the public comments result as usual.

Following day, my mother called the party headquarters of LDP, Koumeito and Ishin, to ask the reason why they support such dangerous nuclear energy, and stated her objection as a citizen’s opinion.

She asked me to join, but I escaped by using work as an excuse… I didn’t think I can bear talking with such people…. sorry, I’ve still have a long way to go….

The result was much expected… or worse than expected.

LDP headquarter staff over emphasised that she can only pass words to the party and she can’t tell the party’s opinion to her, repeatedly.

Koumeito headquarter staff asked name and prefecture of residency of my mother, and then said that she can only pass words to the party and she can’t tell the party’s opinion either, at the end.

Ishin headquarter staff said that he will answer as far as he can, but his response didn’t make sense at all….

The conversation was like this.

Mother: “It’s said that the nation is not responsible in the trial for the Fukushima nuclear power plant, saying the accident was impossible to expect, but will it take responsibility this time?”

The Staff: “Nation is made up of its people…. People pay taxes….”

What do you mean? It’s us citizens who take responsibility?

Mother: “How do you plan to guarantee that people can evacuate in case of accident etc.? I think only those who have money and connection can escape.”

The staff: “Look Ukraine, so many people without money or connection could also escape.”

So, are you saying that it will be arranged that we can become refugee in case of accident? We live in an island. That many people, by ship?

Mother: “It’s proven that nuclear power plants are dangerous.”

The staff: “But there are many nuclear power plants everywhere in Japan, aren’t they?”

Mother: “So it’s the wrong decision in the first place!”

The staff: “Even so, there’re already there, even if they’re stopped!”

I wonder if stopped nuclear power plants are as dangerous as running nuclear power plants, but I think that’s where we should develop technology anyway, how to deal with decommissioned plants and nuclear waste. Are you saying that once we made mistake, there’s no going back and we keep continuing?

At first, I though the attitude of LDP and Komeito was not good, but after listening to Ishin’s response, I felt that silence was probably the smart choice. This may be the case only with the staff who happened to have received the call, but Ishin’s answer wasn’t even logical. It’s not the difference in opinion, it can’t make sense.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

Since I was in Okinawa during the cherry blossom period in Tokyo, I couldn’t do much cherry blossom viewing this year. Just went to the nearby park briefly after the peak time. But I saw cherry blossom blooming together with Japanese apricot tree blooming in Hachinohe (Aomori), where I went to attend a concert by Tomoharu Ushida (Beethoven for the 2nd time!). It happens they bloom at the same timing in North Japan and they’re beautiful (wish I could take photo better!), though it was rather early this year. Getting early year by year, because of the climate change….

Cherry blossom at the nearby park