神宮外苑デモ Protest against Redevelopment of Jingu Gaien




チェンジドットオーグのキャンペーンページ リンク






Table setting at Chez mura bleu Lis (photo permission granted)

The activity to protest against the redevelopment plan of Jingu Gaien has actively been taking place.

I’ve actually talked about it last year.
Link to the my past blog post “More than Just an Environmental Issue”

You may be more familiar with this topic these days, but for those looking for more information, the petitions webpage dealing with this issue is a good source of information of what is going on and how you can participate the protest activities.
Link to a petition on Change.org
I have actually participated one on 12th February. It was rather hard schedule around that time, but I was glad that I went. It was a good opportunity to get to know the area, learn what was going on (walked around, guided by Ishikawa-sensei!), and I felt somewhat fulfilled at the end, feeling I did something meaningful.

What I was surprised was that not a small portion of attendees were non-Japanese, including the organiser. I felt ashamed that not many Japanese people were paying attention to this yet. A person seemingly from the UK explained to another non-Japanese person that unfortunately, many Japanese people were either not aware of this redevelopment plan or welcome flashy stores coming in….

A little more attention has been paid after the musician Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away. He was against the redevelopment. … It’s sad, but we people left must keep going.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

Since we had to go to a concert in Aomori, we stayed in Morioka for a week or so. There are birthdays of my mother and aunt, so we had birthday dinner at a restaurant called Chez mura bleu Lis. It’s fun to have girls’ night!

メインの伊勢海老のポッシェと真鯛のポアレ グラスヴィアンとシャンパーニュのクレーム
Main dish: Langouste et Dorade (photo permission granted)