『永遠平和のために』”Perpetual Peace”

集英社『永遠平和のために』(イマヌエル・カント 著)リンク
I. Kant Perpetual Peace , Shueisha










Air Revolution aired on 11th May themed Kojin Karatani, and there was an ‘accidental’ happy surprise of appearance of Miyadai-sensei!
Link to Air Revolution aired on 11th May 2023

Regarding Kojin Karatani, I barely read his books….
Link to the past blog post “Toward the World Republic”

There are many philosophers referred in the programme and I’d like to introduce a book by Kant, who is the most important philosopher referred.

A gentleman called Ohama-san, who my mother and I met at the protest against 2015 Japanese military legislation in front of the National Diet Building, introduced this book, along with “The Constitution of Japan” by Makoto Ito. He was in his 80s at that time and we enjoyed talking with him. He gave us rakugan (dry confection of starch and sugar) and we exchanged emails that night. I sent a New Year’s card once and he replied, but I couldn’t continue after that and when I’ve sent an email recently, it didn’t reach unfortunately… a little sad.

The book is rather short but difficult. Though I almost forgot the contents, it sounds that Kant is a must read. I’d recommend it… well at least, the book cover is beautiful.

Be that as it may… what a flow of knowledge, the intelligence cannot be hidden! It’s hard to follow what Miyadai-sensei, Shimada-sensei and Shirai-sensei discuss to be honest, but it’s still a thrilling experience listening to what they say.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

How was your so called “Golden Week” (holiday season in Japan)? I went back to my hometown, but that is not really a special thing for me, as I go back rather often, average every other month. So I didn’t really take photos to share… sharing the photo from the previous visit. The sweets at Morozoff was so nice as usual.

カフェ モロゾフのデザートプレート(写真掲載許可取得済み)
Dessert plate at Morozoff café (photo permission granted)