『私が見た未来』 “The Future I Saw”

飛鳥新社『私が見た未来 完全版』(たつき諒 著)リンク
R. Tatsuki (2021) Watashi ga Mita Mirai, Complete Edition Asukashinsha










Y-san’s car (photo permission granted)

This is terrifying. The manga author Ryo Tatsuki, who is known to have predicted The Great Tohoku Earthquake (in 2011) in 1990s, predicted that the even bigger disaster would happen in July 2025.

How she predicted is through prophetic dream. She has multiple examples, where her prophetic dreams came true, including that of The Great Tohoku Earthquake.

It’s described as the tsunami three times bigger than that of 2011. When I read about this, I thought, well, tsunami could be avoided if I evacuate from the potential damage, something miles from the sea etc., during that period. Houses will probably damaged and it’ll take a lot of efforts and time to get back to normal, but at least, we could save our lives if we evacuate.

What terrified me was not tsunami itself, but the nuclear power plants all over Japan. What if any of them are hit? Or rather, is it possible that none of them is damaged after such big tsunami? People could evacuate for some time, but if the land is lost forever, people can’t come back, without anywhere to go to. Various essential operations will stop, and the whole nation won’t function as before. Being distant from the sea is probably not enough. Or even before that, I don’t know how distant we should go, or even able to evacuate at all, to escape from the radioactive.

If the prophecy is wrong and nothing happens in July 2025. I’m really happy about it. However, even if it’s not in July 2025, we know that Japan is always at a risk of big earthquakes. There’s no knowing if a huge earthquake doesn’t happen at this very moment. After all, we’re always with the risk of the disaster I mentioned above. I thought I’ve know that nuclear power plants were dangerous, but now I feel that we can’t live with them any longer. We should stop them as soon as possible. Decommission all of them, next.

I’ve always been against the nuclear power plants, but now I really have to tackle on this issue seriously and actively. I’ll research myself, but please let me know if you know how I could engage in this issue. It’s a matter of ‘to be or not to be’.

I’m trying to tell people around me about this. I hope everyone to go somewhere safer before the tsunami happens, and everyone to raise voice to stop nuclear power plants.

When I visited my mother’s friend Y-san’s house in Kochi Prefecture, we talked about this to Y-san. Y-san surprisingly said that it’s not whether or not she believes it, but she knows that it’s a fact. She said that when she experienced Fukuoka earthquake 2005, she actually had multiple people who talked about a big earthquake around her, before it happened. Those people had fallen their furniture beforehand, so it wouldn’t fall when a big earthquake hits. She also received a facsimile from a friend the day before the Great Hanshin earthquake, and that warned about a big earthquake. (Fortunately, it didn’t hit her as she was in Tokyo. It seems the friend couldn’t predict where it would be.) So she said that she knew that there are certainly some people who can sense that kind of thing.

Oh dear, it’s really scary. …well let’s take chance that we know that in advance. Let’s prepare for it. If it’s a wasted effort in the end, that’s totally fine, I’ll be thankful. However, let’s stop the nuclear power plants anyway.

The view of Setonaikai