失われた30年と日本国憲法 The Lost 30 Years and the Japanese Constitution







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A pot of carnations

The title is taken from the seminar I attended yesterday. It was hosted by the Article Nine Association of Karasuyama area. The guest speaker was the former JCP member of Upper House, Mikishi Daimon. As a self claimed membership number one fan club member of MI☆KI☆SHI, it was the second time I went to a seminar he appeared. Yes, I said second… I haven’t written about the first yet. Maybe later.

There were a lot of useful information around what is going on in the politics and society. One thing I particularly rediscovered was the urgency of wage increase, which leads to the economic growth. At the moment, our company’s labour unions, including the one I’m in, is still fighting for the salary raise. With what I studied in mind, I regard this to be a fight not only for our own standard of living, but also for the future of Japanese economy.

It was also the first time I raised hand and spoke during the Q&A time at this kind of event. I wanted to ask what his opinion was for the idea of abolishing permanent employment, making it easy for companies to fire employees, in the meantime government provides living compensation and job training.

This is what Miyadai-sensei insists, and it leads to better productivity of the society, then economic growth. I don’t necessarily believe in the economic growth, but the idea is actually the standard outside of Japan, and I think the idea makes sense. However, my question seemed to have lacked easy to understand explanation and it was pity MI☆KI☆SHI couldn’t understand my intention…. Sorry Miyadai-sensei, if I find any video or texts you explain the idea more wholly, I’ll shared that to him then….

Inputting and outputting is the whole different thing. I’d need to train outputting what I learned.