ウクライナ侵攻から1年 A Year from the Start of the Military Aggression of Ukraine



寄付ページ リンク


エアレボリューション2023年2月14日放送回 リンク(前半は無料です)





View from the inn of Echizen Crub

A year ago when it started, I was surprised to hear (or rather, didn’t want to believe) that this would probably last for more than a year, and that has now turned out to be true.

What I do is basically an occasional donation, believing it’s better than nothing. Special donation scheme of MSF is still valid.
Link to the donation page
Though the donation is currently for both Ukraine and Turkey & Syria, for me, both are somewhere I’d like to donate to, so that’s ok.

Some says that the military aggression made people realise that the war is not something in the past. … well then, let’s think how to avoid the war. What is clear is that buying outdated weapons a lot wouldn’t help avoiding the war (… or paradoxically, it could be better than buying threatening weapons….)

The internet tv Air Revolution gives good insight of what’s being done, or rather, not being done in foreign affairs and security policies.
Link to the Air Revolution aired on 14th February 2023 (First half is for free.)

What was a little shocking but convincing at the same time was that Japan has no possibility of entering the war if it’s alone.

It’s still important to speak up and attend protests, because that can show our position to the US, where Japan shows subservience to. It’s probably the best and sadly the only way to save ourselves under current situation, where foreign affairs fail and government doesn’t function.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I went to Fukui prefecture for the first time in my life. Since it was for our Tomo’s recital, I didn’t have time for sightseeing unfortunately. Still, enjoyed Fukui very much, especially the famous Echizen crab, which is in the best season! Also got habutae mochi, though I haven’t tried yet. Traveling is often eating….

Unique concert hall in Fukui