都知事選が終わって After the Tokyo Governor’s Election



It’s been a while.

As you know, Yuriko Koike won this time. Zero achievement of manifests. Criminal of false academic statement for elections. No memorial letter sending for the victims of Kanto Massacre. Such a person.

I can’t decide which is even worse, Koike or Ishimaru, who turned out to be 2nd place. His measures against declining birthrate are polygamy and gene manipulation…. His manifest was to grant one million Japanese yen to the presidents of the student councils in Tokyo. I even doubt if he’s sane. My mother asked if he was like a power harassment bosses who I sometimes had to deal with at the previous company. However no, I’d like to add ‘incompetent’ on the top. He sounds like incompetent power harassment bosses I sometimes encountered.

However historically, as far as I know (since Ishihara), a person worthy of contempt had been elected for the Tokyo Governor. Unfortunately it reflects the level of Tokyo residents.

A regular friend of mine A, said that she could sense what kind of person Ishimaru was, just looking at his face. She said she felt sorry for his main supporter, young people, who had high hopes for him…. OK, I think I also have to be more generous. For me, those young people were perpetrators rather than victims. However, come to think of it, we all do stupid things when we are young. Youthful indiscretion. So rather than being irritated by young people, I should think that we adults must guide young people. Oh dear, it seems I can no longer regard myself as young person.

Lunch at Izumiya in Gifu Prefectrure (photo permission granted)