King’s College LondonでのMA Cultural and Creative Industriesでは、日本が如何に文化の保護や育成に後ろ向きかという事を学びましたが、それがコロナ禍で証明されてしまいました。多くの先進国が文化を守ろうとしていた中、日本ではほとんど何もしませんでした。

串揚げや ひとくしin盛岡の串揚げetc.の写真(写真掲載許可取得済み)
As a freelancer (though I’ve earned almost nothing as a freelancer yet), I’m very much against the new Invoice System planned to start this October.
Cultural industries, including the one I’m in, are sustained by freelancers. Supporting freelancers is fostering culture.
When I was a student at MA Cultural and Creative Industries at King’s College London, I’ve learned how backward Japan was in terms of cultural preservation and cultivation. It was attested during the pandemic. While many developed countries tried to protect cultural workers, Japan did almost nothing.
And now, this invoice system.
Choices for the small sized businesses, including freelancers, are either to register as a taxpayer or not to register and being avoided by clients (as clients are newly obliged to cover the same amount as the tax exempted of tax-exempt businesses).
There’s another video good for learning by videonews.com.
Link to the digest version
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
As mentioned, I went back to Morioka briefly during my summer holiday. I like when H picks up the restaurant we meet, as her choice is what I rarely choose myself, suitable for girl’s party. I like the place this time as well, but I feel I should have chosen more seafood place, now that I can’t eat seafood from Sanriku.
Please join the petition to stop dumping of Fukushima water if you haven’t. I heard that fishers are now busy with dealing with complaints calls. What!? I can’t understand… they are the victims! Call to the government or TEPCO!
Link to a petition on Change.org
More detailed post regarding the dumping of Fukushima water:
Link to my past blog post “I Grew up with Seafood from Sanriku”

串揚げや ひとくしin盛岡のデザートの写真(写真掲載許可取得済み)