悪法のオンパレードその3、入管法 Bad Laws on Parade – Revision of Immigration and Refugee Law







The fan club meeting sign

Japan joined Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. That means that we have obligation to protect those escaped from their countries and come to Japan. However, Japan only recognised 5% of applications as refugees last year. Those who are rejected are treated unfairly. Example of such people include Kurds in Japan.
Link to my past blog post “Film “TOKYO KURDS””

Now the law is revised and those who are rejected for third time are forced to go back to their countries. What a contradiction to join Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees while rejecting most of people who claim to be refugees. Rather than protecting them, Japan tries to send them back to where danger awaits. Sending them back is not a solution against the human rights violation (, which happens to both those asylum seekers and overstayed people) at the immigration facility. We can’t overlook such thing.

For those not familiar with this topic, this may help. (First half is for free.)
Link to Air Revolution aired on 14th May 2023

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I went to Rimi-chan’s (Rimi Natsukawa) fan club meeting, as my mother is a fan club member. I quite like this kind of event with a homely atmosphere. Especially when there’s great music. Just learned singing is telling a message. I wonder if that’s the case even when not good at singing….