憲法記念日 Constitution Day 2022








アーカイブ動画 リンク






her illustration style is constantly changing (the poster’s is probably from 80s?) (photo taken at permitted area)

My father asked if we had attended an event to appeal protecting Constitution, so I watched the event online today. He sometimes says good thing. …well I know he meant to be ironic. It might be because he lives alone (but he’s still working, not completely secluded!), but my father these days is like online right-wingers and says things like, we’re crazy as we’re interested in politics this much. I’m really fed up.

It’s really surprising how people think differently. Some people feel that the Constitution needs to be changed, after the Russian military aggression.

I also pondered… if the Article 9 would ever be changed, now might be better. I fear if Japan overtly re-arms, it will result in military expansion of neighbour countries (vicious cycle of military expansion), but now neighbour countries might understand it as natural reaction. Some countries actually reacted the same. Also, if we can get rid of subservience to the US, that means there’s at least one good side. Though I believe Article 9 is the ultimate goal and ideal for human beings, this may be too much burden for us, the deteriorated Japanese…. etc. etc.

What Miyadai-sensei says is also understandable. His position is Heavy Armed Neutrality, but he thinks it’s not the timing – giving military force to then Prime Minister Abe or Suga (looks Kishida is better… don’t know how much) is ‘like putting the lunatics in charge of the asylum’.

Thinking that the risk of WW III is raising, I really feel ‘oh please, stop having military force.’ My honest feeling is that I want to avoid getting involved at any cost… though the world ends anyway once nuclear weapons are used.

My conclusion is that we should do something for the nuclear power plant before thinking about revising the Article 9. If someone attacks it, it’s already the end.

Another highlight of the event for me was the speech regarding the gender equality. The speaker Tamaka Ogawa-san’s real voice is so convincing. I have everyday life I relatively don’t have to feel gender inequality, but I feel I can never be indifferent. (the speech is from around 1h23m)
Link to the archive video

This Makabe-san’s channel is actually very useful. My mother watch live coverage of Diet and I often overhear that during remote work.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I went to the exhibition of debut 50th year anniversary of Fusako Kuramochi at Yayoi Museum in Nezu. 50 years…wow.

She’s the most favourite Shojo-manga author of mine, along with Waki Yamato. I like some of her works so much (especially those from late 1970s and early 1980s), sometimes they’re not exactly my taste, but I’m impressed by all works. The delicate psychological portrayals make me groan.

My favourite is “Always Chopin in My Pocket” (translation is mine).

集英社『いつもポケットにショパン』(くらもちふさこ 著)リンク
Kuramochi, F. (1981) Itsumo Pocket ni Chopin , Shuieisha