根の深い問題 Deep-Rooted Problem





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エアレボリューション2023年3月18日放送回 リンク


今期友人のAと観に行った最後の映画は「SLAM DUNK」でした。10代の頃漫画を読んですごく好きでしたが、細かいところは忘れてしまっていました。アニメシリーズは観ていなかったのでそれとの比較は出来ないのですが、映画は漫画同様、とても熱かったです。少なくとも日本の漫画とアニメには頑張り続けて欲しいなと思います。

[新品/あす楽]スラムダンクSLAMDUNK(1-31巻 全巻)[新書版] 全巻セット

(2023/3/13 21:15時点)

T. Inoue, (2021) SLAM DUNK , Shueisha
集英社『SLAM DUNK』(井上雄彦 著)リンク

It marked 12 years from the 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake. I thought it was obvious for everyone that the nuclear power plants must go. It was the mistake that humans got them in the first place.

But it seems the problem was more deep-rooted than I thought.

I read the blog by lawyer Sawafuji-san everyday. (The daily blog, continued 10 years, ending this month!) I read blog posts from the past, as well as the newest one, and now I’m reading the one from 8 years ago.

I was a little shocked too see this, introducing the article that reports that a victim of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant victim ‘thanks’ Tokyo Electric Power Company, which is principally responsible for the disaster…
Link to the Sawafuji-san’s blog post

We need to improve standard of living, in order to make sure that we keep staying away from a war or nuclear power plant. Things believed to make people’s lives better by those think no harm would come to them, but will ultimately ruin everybody’s lives.

How? Let’s pray today and perhaps start tomorrow with facing the reality of poverty. I expect upcoming Air Revolution programme may give us good source.
Link to Air Revolution aired on 12th March 2023

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

The last film I watched with friend A for this season was “SLAM DUNK”. I liked the manga a lot when I was a teenager, but I nearly forgot the details. Though I haven’t really watched the anime series and can’t compare, but I found this film as ardent as the manga…. I really hope at least manga and anime of Japan keep it up.