映画「鶴彬 こころの軌跡」Film “Akira Tsuru, Trajectory of the Heart”

Film event flyer

午前中に試験を終え、ようやく時間がとれるようになったので(と言ってもそれまで勉強していたというは言い難いのですが・・・気持ちの問題です)、「鶴彬 こころの軌跡」という映画を観に行きました。








治安維持法犠牲者国家賠償要求同盟のウェブサイト リンク




I went to watch the film “Akira Tsuru, Trajectory of the Heart” (*this title translation is mine), as I finished an exam in the morning and then had more time (though I can’t say I was actually studying… it’s a matter of feeling).

I became to know the wartime Senryu (comic haiku) poet Akira Tsuru when I read the novel “Unbreakable”.
Link to my past blog post “Unbreakable”

The novel cites some of his Senryu works, and I was astonished how sharp and exact his words were, they were like sharp-edged knife. I understood that “The pen is mightier than the sword” was true.

Overall quality of the film was like “special drama” aired on tv, perhaps the typical quality of the low budget work in terms of visual effect etc., but the supporting casts’ acting was superb, and the leading actor’s acting got better as the film progressed. I think kind of film is important for getting to know the history.

Of course so are for ordinary people, but it’s sad that the geniuses like that passed away in his youth because of the Maintenance of the Public Order Act (act, which oppressed citizens opposing war during the war time). There was actually also a photo of Takiji Kobayashi body after he was tortured to death in the film. He died at the same age as Akira Tsuru, a victim of that law, likewise.

Japan has done no apology or no compensation for the victims at all. The survivors among the victims of the law seem to be in their 100s. We don’t have much time left.

On the other hand, the murderer Shigeo Nakagawa, (a person who is in charge of the slaughter of Takiji Kobayashi) was not charged after the war, promoted to the superintendent of Tsukiji, and turned to Takinogawa ward mayor and became the chairman of the board of the education of Kita ward (of Tokyo), as well as the board member of the film company Toei. What a world.

I decided to join Alliance for Demanding National Reparations for Victims of Maintenance of the Public Order Act. Miyadai-sensei also said something like we should get mad at the unreasonableness suffered by others.

It’s a little inconvenient that it seems to have paper based petition only, but please join us to request national reparation if you can.
Link to the Alliance for Demanding National Reparations for Victims of Maintenance of the Public Order Act website

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I’m fed up with this “tetris (of furniture and goods) house” and really want to move somewhere bigger (plus has dish washer). Especially after reading a certain book, I’d like to move to suburb!

【中古】衣食足りて、住にかまける /光文社/島田雅彦(単行本)

(2023/10/9 22:09時点)

光文社『衣食足りて、住にかまける』(島田雅彦 著)リンク
M. Shimada (2004) Ishoku Tarite, Ju ni Kamakeru, Kobunsha