


映画予告編動画 リンク






Dish at SHAVA LIVA, found this time (photo permission granted)                                    


I watched this documentary film, because I’ve become to know the director Yukio Iokibe via Fukabori TV. Link to the free first half video

Haribote means papier-mâché, indicating that something looks good outside, but the inside isn’t the same. It’s only superficial appearance.

Link to the film trailer

It’s a documentary film, in which media (relatively young TV station Tulip TV) pursues corruption of city council members, and it resulted in resignation of 14 members.

The array of fraud one after another…. but what we could sense is that this may not only be in Toyama, which has the biggest ratio of Liberal Democratic Party members in Japan for past 10 years, but this may be the microcosm of Japan…. Hats off to Tulip TV, which pursued the truth with so much effort, though I couldn’t really get the meaning of the last scenes. Sometimes what some of the city council members were talking were not clear… wanted subtitles. But overall, very well done.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

For the first time in a while, I went to Kyoto to watch Jidai Matsuri (Festival of the Ages), which is one of the 3 big festivals of Kyoto. It’s the youngest – has 100 years of history (other two have more than 1,000 years of history…wow).

While I enjoyed Kyoto very much, house maintenance was a bit of hard work as usual…. This house made me grow a lot. I think having an own house is full of good opportunities for growth.

もう一皿、SHAVA LIVAから(写真掲載許可取得済み)                                                             Another dishe at SHAVA LIVA (photo permission granted)                                       

Kyoto is really full of nice food and rarely fails. I forgot asking for photo permissions at some of the favourite restaurants I found, so maybe next time…