映画「荒野に希望の灯をともす」Film “Lighting a Hope in the Deserted Lands”






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Fruits custard pudding at Fruit Full Café (photo permission granted)

A lady I met at the JCP weekly publicity activity in front of the station, K-san, asked me to a film screening an organisation she’s in was hosting.

It’s a documentary film about the doctor and the head of Peace Japan Medical Services (PMS) and Peshawar-kai, Tetsu Nakamura. He devoted his life to help people in Afghanistan through medical practices and building canal project until the day he was shot to death by terrorists. I respect him so much, so I willingly went.

I joined as a supporter of the Peshawar-kai last year and although I receive and read its regular reports now and then, it was the first time I became to know his trajectories and details of the activities.

In a word, he’s incredible. I knew he was, but still… such difficulties and hardships…. If I were him, I couldn’t continue, with heart broken hundreds times.

So many words of him stuck in my mind.
I recommend you to actually watch. There are independent film screenings like the one I went.
Link to the film official website

Shame I couldn’t join the after talk by the film director.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I have multiple concerts by our Tomo this month.

The opening of the season was in Chigasaki, and after that, I’ve already been to Nara, Maibara (Shiga), and Kawasaki.

I think Chopin Scherzo No. 1 – 4 already reached perfection in Kawasaki. I can’t choose which is my favourite. Looking forward to witnessing how he will develop his Beethoven Sonata No. 31 and 23, which are already good, further.

In Nara, my mother and I met mother’s old friend. It was the second time for me to meet her and the last time was 6 years ago. Traveling is even nicer when we can meet friends who haven’t seen for years at the travel destination.

I was also surprised how delicious the fruits in Nara were.

I like fruit parlors but I never had such delicious fruits in fruits parlors elsewhere….