映画「東京クルド」 Film “TOKYO KURDS”



#ヒルカラナンデス 第65回配信 リンク

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10/19は毎年観ているWorld Ballet Dayでしたが、今年はまだ観れていません!

これからじっくりRoyal Balletのクラスとリハーサルを観ます~
私の「友達」のJames Hayに注目です!実際素晴らしいダンサーで、とにかく美しいバレエをする人です。

ワールドバレエデー2021アーカイブ動画 リンク


It was the end of July, but I went to watch the film “TOKYO KURDS”, which was introduced at YouTube show “#HirukaraNandesu” (meaning, ‘starting at noon’) of Darthreider and Petite Kashima, as my mother is a Hirumania (fan of #HirukaraNandesu).

Maybe this one?
Link to the 65th #HirukaraNandesu archive video

As my semicircular canals are too weak (or too strong?), I sometimes get sick (as if it’s a motion sickness) with movies, so documentary films, whose movie contains camera shake, are rather dangerous to me, but I’m really glad I watched (though I actually almost felt sick sometimes) !
Link to the official website of “TOKYO KURDS”

It’s still on at some cinemas. I hope as many people to watch this as possible.
This film gives you some power to survive, and you feel you should do something, at the same time.
I’ll share on this blog if I can find anything I can do.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

19th October was the World Ballet Day. I watch it every year, but I haven’t watched this year yet!
Looking forward to watching Royal Ballet class and rehearsals!
Keeping an eye on a “friend” of mine, James Hay. He’s actually a wonderful, and BEAUTIFUL dancer.

Link to the World Ballet Day 2021 archive video