12月は寄付月間 Giving December






  • 認定NPO法人フローレンス
  • 日本共産党
  • れいわ新選組









From Oshaberi Cooking, mixed sushi with grilled mackerel, teriyaki squash
おしゃべりクッキングから、焼き鯖の混ぜずし、かぼちゃの照り焼き (Oshaberi Cooking recipe, aired on 11th November, 2021 and on 15th October 2018 respectively)                  

What’s your action items at the end of the year? Year-end cleaning? Writing holiday cards?
Well Giving December is a nation wide awareness campaign started in 2015. (Though I think Donation December may be better in terms of hashtags…)

As this campaign encourages each person to think about giving, I’d also like to introduce some organisations I donated to this year.

Actually, in order to be in time for the tax-deductible contribution for 2021, I found it’s safer to donate by October, but below are the organisations still accepting donations for this year and I also donated a little.

Please note that the payment method tends to need to be bank transfers, as credit card transactions take time and not likely to be in time.

  • NPO Florence
  • Japanese Communist Party
  • Reiwa Shinsengumi

I donated to NPO Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) as well, but it was a long time ago and I’m not confident if it’s in time for this year’s tax-deductible contributions, if doing now.

I also donated a little to Hibakusha support aid and Peshawar-kai (funded by Doctor Tetsu Nakamura), but they’re not eligible for tax deduction.

As for Furusato Nouzei, in which you choose local governments you choose to pay tax to and receive gifts from the local governments in return, I also use it.

I understand it’s retrogressive – better off people get more and the poor gets nothing, but I can’t be as great as I don’t use the system at all. So the least I can do is to set the bar to the amount I can use Furusato Nouzei, regardless of the bar the system sets.
Actually I started actively donating at the end of year, as I felt a little guilty of using Furusato Nouzei, of which I do at the end of year. (And December is the bonus month and I can afford it.)

The good news is that you can do both Furusato Nouzei and tax-deductible contribution in the same year.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I had meat free lunch today.

Oshaberi Cooking was very useful as usual, though I substituted some ingredients with other vegetables.