2021年9月世界気候アクション September 2021 Global Climate Strike














From Oshaberi Cooking, curry cream pasta with prawns
おしゃべりクッキングより、海老のカレークリームパスタ (Oshaberi Cooking recipe, aired on 21st September, 2017)           

Once again introduced by International Environmental NGO Greenpeace Japan, I joined Global Climate Strike held on 24th September.

The capacity was 1,000 people and I signed up a few hours before the event started, so I thought it would probably already be full, but fortunately or unfortunately (not so many people joining…), I was accepted.

Though I had a few chances to participate offline (the first time I participated a protest was when I was 12 years old, marched protesting Iraq War) protests in the past, it was the first time I participated online strike.

The theme of the strike was #UprootTheSystem and I feel we really need it. There’s no doubt that we can’t go on like this. (Japanese was #Wecannolongerturnablindeyetotheclimatecrisis and I wonder why…)

Global Climate Strike is held a few times a year by Fridays for Future (FFF), which is a climate strike movement started when Greta Thunberg did school strike for climate, and spread all over the world.

The members of FFF Japan looked so young! That is hopeful, at the same time feeling ashamed that my generation or older doesn’t seem to be joining much.

Saito-sensei, the author of “Das Kapital im Anthropozän”, also joined the march. (I was glad to be in the same space as him!) He appealed to speak up and take action in order to make enriched future.
Poor me, in Kyoto at that time and didn’t have good wifi connection, couldn’t listen to his speech entirely though. (Why so bad timing!)

After the main session, we had group discussion and I talked with a person from FFF Sendai and a person from NPO Ecomesse.
Discussing our thoughts, sharing our actions, advising each other, was an encouraging moment.

After the strike, I also submitted public comment for the first time (regarding the The 6th Basic Energy Plan)!
Though after all, the government didn’t made the public comments open and soon proceeded to the cabinet decision – really neglecting public opinion.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that

I had meat free lunch again today. Oshaberi Cooking recipe as usual.

Pasta is a typical lunch repertoire for me, as well as other forms of noodles. I love noodles in general.