“Black Box”

文藝春秋『Black Box』(伊藤詩織 著)リンク
link to Ito, S. (2017) Black Box , Bungei Shunju

最近世の中混沌としていますが、今日は『Black Box』を紹介したいと思います。最近著者の伊藤詩織さんがはすみとしこ氏と彼女のイラストをリツイートした人を相手に行った名誉棄損の訴訟に勝利しました。









伊藤詩織さんの民事裁判を支える会ウェブサイト リンク

メッセージを送るだけでも支援になるので、もし『Black Box』を読んで何か感じるところがあれば是非お願いします。





hotel decoration (photo permission granted)

The society has been rather chaotic these days, but today I’d like to introduce a book “Black Box”, as recently its author Shiori Ito has won her suit, by which she charged Toshiko Hasumi in her defamation and some others in retweeting her defamatory illustration.

Shiori Ito is a brave journalist, who made her experience of being raped by a well-known TV ‘journalist’ Keishi Yamaguchi, then the arrest was stopped a minute before it’s conducted, open to public.

Keishi Yamaguchi has close relation with then Prime Minister Abe, and it’s largely suspected that this relation stopped him being arrested. In fact, Itaru Nakamura, who stopped the arrest in last minute, then chief of criminal investigation of the Metropolitan Police Department, had been promoted afterwards and now became the Director General of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Shiori Ito has won the Civil Litigation against Yamaguchi, though unfortunately Criminal Litigation before that was nonprosecution or indictment.

I have a friend Y, who has strong interest in this issue. Y told me once that she nearly felt that she wouldn’t want to continue to be friend with someone who shows no interest in this case any more. Well I know how she feels.

The book was published in 2017, but at first, I couldn’t read it. I imagined I would feel so sorry for her that I can’t bear it.

Y introduced “Japan’s Secret Shame”, a documentary film about this case, created by BBC, to me. She also told me that the book was not written heartbreaking way either. So I watched the film and read the book finally.

3 years ago when I read this book, I was more ignorant of the ways of the world than now, so I was very surprised to know that many Japanese bashed her, especially women. It’s rather sad but no wonder such talented brave journalist has to move abroad to be active.

This book objectively points out the problems hindering to reduce sexual crimes or to take remedial action in Japan, such as the vague definition of criminal acts, hurdles in proving the case and the hardship the victim would have to go through. And the black box she faced, and that’s actually all over Japan.

There’s organisation supporting her trial. My mother and I also donated a little when it was established.
Link to the #OpentheBlackbox

Just sending a message can be counted as a support, so please do if you feel something after reading “Black Box”.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

My mother and I had lunch with mother’s cousin and her daughter M at a hotel. It was a reunion after a while and I have always fun meeting with my relatives in Tokyo!

They each brought some souvenirs for us and M gave us very flashy Taiwanese castella. It was my first castella since when I went to the high school trip to Kyushu (Nagasaki). Despite its pop appearance, it was soft, tasted gentle and good. Heard the shop is in Koenji and I’d recommend it.

Hotel lunch gives an extraordinary feeling and is good sometimes.

Taiwanese castella