ひとまず良かったけど It Was Good for the Time Being, but…











Poster of the Super Stars Gala 2022                                                 

As is the case with many fans, we were shocked to hear about attempted murder of Miyadai-sensei.
Even my father, who’s talked like online right-winger, said that “Oh no. He’s the conscience of Japan!” (I was in Iwate at that time). I’ll explain how he became to say like that in a separate blog post later.

Thanks to Jimbo-san’s tweets from the hospital, we got to know that day that it wan’t lethal. Still, quite worried!

Jimbo-san also shared some updates on Miyada-sensei’s condition following day. It seems like the God bless, him. Even though the wounds are many and deep, there wasn’t fatal wound, nor, wound leaving disability either.
Link to the announcement by videonews.com aired 3rd December 2022

We hope the criminal to be arrested as soon as possible. Even though he wouldn’t be defeated by this, it could be dangerous to go around until then.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

Before heading to Morioka, went to the Super Stars Gala 2022, mainly to see Marianela Núñez. Unlike last time at Royal Ballet Gala, it was a relatively good seat, so I was so impressed to watch her danced live so closely, that I almost cried.

Programming was a bit too much of contemporary dancing for us, but glad that she danced two classic programme.

Personally it was funny to see Edward Watson, who normally dances gloomy contemporary ballets, appeared on the stage with an idiot-like costume. (Don’t get me wrong, I like him and I’m praising him.) It seemed his dancing partner Natalia Osipova also shone better with contemporary ballets.

Though it was a bit too heavily weighed contemporary ballets for us, all the dancers were truly the ‘super stars’, and excuse me to say that I think other current Royal Ballet principal dancers than Marianela and Vadim Muntagirov can’t join! (Or perhaps Steven McRae, Lauren Cuthbertson, Sarah Lamb, Laura Morera can… or Natalia Osipova actually did…. Anyway, what I wanted say is that I’m worried about the quality of young principal dancers, especially male dancers… after all, I’m not convinced by most of recent promotions of the Royal Ballet.)