復活!マル激ライブ Marugeki Live Returned!





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おしゃべりクッキングから、チゲ風鍋焼きうどん と 韓国風ちくわの天ぷら
Chige style udon noodle and Korean style chikuwa tempura (shame it’s not Korean lettuce)
(Oshaberi Cooking recipe, aired on 18th April, 2005)


I’ve been carried away by a Korean drama and have been unable to post a blog these days (but finally finished watching!).

Back in March, I went to the live event of videonews.com, Marugeki Live, which had been postponed from December, due to the attack on Miyadai-sensei.

I thought of skipping it for a moment because of the hard schedule (we went there directly from the airport, just back from Okinawa – will write about it separately), but I’m glad that I went!

The event itself except for the Q&A session can be watched for free, so please check out the actual contents there. Although I’ve already been familiar with their talk to some extent by now, it still did make my eyes open.
Link to the archive video

One more good thing that happened was that we went to a dinner with some of those who attended the event. We didn’t exchange words during the event itself, but introduced oneself each other when the event was closed. Jimbo-san and Miyadai-sensei encouraged us to make friends and of course, many of us, admirer of them, followed what they said!

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I’ve never really watched Korean dramas, including those very famous ones, but this time I’m so into one that I couldn’t stop try cooking some Korean style dishes.

The drama is called “Stranger”. Jimbo-san recommended it and that was one of the reason why I decided to try watching, but now I can’t wait for the season 2 become available on UNEXT….

This drama themes the fraud of polices and prosecutors, that is not something our society is immune to.

【中古】(非常に良い)秘密の森~深い闇の向こうに~ [レンタル落ち] 全12巻セット [マーケットプレイスDVDセット]

(2024/4/21 22:16時点)