チェンジドットオーグのキャンペーンページ リンク

A friend of mine, M-chan kindly sent me vol. 447 of THE BIG ISSUE (Japanese version), the magazine sold by homeless people, because the volume featured environmental issues, which she knew I was strongly interested in.
I’m ashamed to confess that I’ve never bought The Big Issue by myself, even though I lived in the UK! But I’ve been interested The Big Issue for quite some time, and now I’m determined to buy when I have a chance next time.
The magazine actually turned out to be full of information – introducing scientific arguments and reports, sharing case studies, doing interviews… from various perspectives, in vol. 447’s case, climate change and melting Antarctica, food loss and poverty, conservation detection dogs, PFOA pollution etc…. it occupied my mind well on my way to my hometown.
Especially regarding PFOA, I’m quite angry and worried about it.
Link to my past blog post “Forever Chemical”
I happened to have signed a petition for investigating and taking majors against PFOA emitted by Daikin. Of course, Daikin has been on my boycott list.
Link to a petition on Change.org
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
Back in Tokyo, I went to the recital of Tomoharu Ushida, this time at Tokyo Opera City. Then to the recital in Nagoya the day after. What a full week it was. Though it was just a day trip to Nagoya, I enjoyed eating hitsumabushi (chopped kabayaki eel) and shopping as well. I like kabayaki eel, but not as enthusiastic as people who love kabayaki eel. Still, the hitsumabushi at the famous restaurant Houraiken, was super nice.