初めてのストライキ My First Strike







My mother’s cousin’s home’s Lala-chan in my mother’s arms (photo permission granted)

As it was the annual spring offensive season, I participated workplace strike called by the labour union I’m in on 10th March.

I was very glad because it was my first strike, which I witnessed several times when I was in the UK, I’ve ever participated. I was excited to see how it would be like to be on a strike… well it passed without much fuss. It was only 10 minutes strikes, actually! It’s better than nothing and I rather think it’s easier for beginners to participate.

It may be a commonsense but I didn’t know that spring offensive is done as an industry, not only for individual companies, so I was even more encouraged by feeling that so many people in this industry was participating the activity to improve our workers’ lives in this industry.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

Another highlight of the May holiday season was that I visited my mother’s cousin’s home with my mother. It was a sudden visit, we were in the neighborhood on an errand and it occurred to us, but she kindly accepted our visit.

Meeting relatives is always fun moment for me and this time I had so much fun having tea with my relative, who I admired.