#痴漢ゼロ #NoMolester


「山添拓と#痴漢ゼロ ジェンダー平等へみんなで変えよう」というイベントに行きました。


アーカイブ動画 リンク





チェンジドットオーグのキャンペーンページ リンク



The concert poster – the lower right corner is the actress Fumi Dan                                       コンサートのポスター、右下が女優の檀ふみ                                               

I went to an event called “#NoMolester with Taku Yamazoe – Let’s make changes changes for the gender equality together”.

The first half can be watched here.Link to the archive video

I registered JCP Supporter a few years ago, but it was the first offline event I attended (mostly I just answered surveys and sometimes attended online events in the past). There were a couple more events or election campaign support I wanted to go, but always couldn’t make it. It was rather convenient for me last Saturday.

Fortunately, I’ve never been groped (well, I hope), and I’m not familiar with the situation, but I thought it would be a good learning.

I was surprised to know that so many people, including children, have experienced being groped and also the how vile the way molesters commit (though molesters are vile themselves…). What is behind is the gender inequality in society, and human rights education and sex education are needed.

Also, there seems much can be done by politics. Please join the petition to request Governor of Tokyo to take serious actions if you can.
Link to a petition on Change.org

The second half of the event was group discussion. I was surprised to know that most of the group members are fans of Yamazoe Taku-kun. So popular. I’m fan of Daimon Mikishi-kun, by the way. I also had a chance to talk with Yamazoe-san. His smartness is such a nature of making people around him comfortable. (Isn’t that rather rare? That’s impressive.)

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

The week before was NHK Symphony Orchestra’s concert, in which Tomoharu Ushida also performed Grieg Piano Concerto. The healing time again. It was even better than the previous performance! What was shame was that I missed warm-up talk with actress Fumi Dan. I didn’t know so I arrived too late… it must have been fun!

Speaking of Fumi Dan, I’ve read her essay coauthoring with essayist Sawako Agawa, and I enjoyed it. The combination is known for funny.