オンライン発電所ツアー Online Power Plant Tour


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本日登壇した株式会社ゆざウインドファーム (加藤総業株式会社)さんとボランティア団体Bring me Shonanさんは、どちらも環境を守る為に様々な活動をされてました。

中でも変わり種としては、Bring me ShonanさんのTOHYO 2021がありました。投票に行くと、参加しているコーヒーショップでコーヒー1杯を無料でもらえるというものです。
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I participated ‘online power plant tour’ by Minden today.
Link to the event page

We ‘visited’ Nishiyuza Wind Power Plant of Yuza Wind Farm Corporation (in Yamagata).
As expected, wind power generators are huge!
I had a glimpse of the technical part of the wind power plant and it was interesting.
Kato Sogyo’s North East Japan accent was comforting for me.

Both of today’s speakers, Yuza Wind Farm Corporation (Kato Sogyo Corporation) and volunteer organisation Bring me Shonan also do various activities to protect environment.

One unique activity was Bring me Shonan’s TOHYO 2021 project, which offers a cup of free coffee for those who went voting.
Link to the campaign page
It’s rather pathetic to think that such incentive is needed for sovereigns of Japan, but in the meantime, I think it’s good, in terms of the perspective of what Darthreider and Petite Kashima (at #HirukaraNandesu) claim ‘making election a festival’.
So as the appeal by a fashion magazine, ‘Get dressed up and vote’, I think it’s a good try to make an election more exciting. Imagining the scene – going to vote with a friend, having coffee together afterwards. Isn’t it fun?

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I spent last weekend in Kyoto.
I met a local organic cotton fashion brand NADELL, who was having a pop-up shop in Daimaru Kyoto.
It’s been aiming to make soil clean, and I’m happy to have got a cut-and-sew made with organic cotton and cashmere from NADELL.
For some reason, I do shopping more in Iwate and Kyot, rather than Tokyo, where I basically live.