公開床屋政談 Open Barbershop Politics vol.2

Darthreider’s book. Got his autograph!



という事で、当面の最後のトピックは、待ちに待った公開床屋政談 vol.2です!
(vol.1は昨年の11月でした:過去のブログ記事「公開床屋政談 vol. 1」参照)










We bought Tomoharu Ushida debut 10th anniversary memorial stamps  
牛田智大 デビュー10周年記念切手、買っちゃった、えへ        

This is probably my final blog post until the end of March, or mid April at the latest. Please excuse me for prioritising exams for a while… yes I must regret my lack of plannings!

So the final topic for the time being, is the much awaited, Open Barbershop Politics vol.2!
(Vol.1 was in November: Link to my past blog post “Open Barbershop Politics vol. 1” )
And this time both Kohei Saito and Satoshi Shirai, those two, whom I might like even more than Miyadai- sensei, are the guests, as well as writer Karin Amamiya. Link to the free first half video

The talk cafe started from the topic of Russia’s military aggression to Ukraine. The lack of prospects continues to sound depressing… but there’re some insights can be take away for future considerations. For instance, it is said that this crisis can accelerate another crisis, climate change. The latest report by ICPP (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) warns how close we are, to the point of no return, but it received less attention and there’ll be more delay in taking actions….
Overall, it’s a must watch! It stayed in my heart that Saito-sensei said that he feel sad that it seems JCP has decided to ignore him (while it gets along with Shirai-sensei, who also deals with Marxism). Get a grip, JCP!
There was also Darthreider’s ‘bookshop’ there and purchased one rather to meet him.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

14th March was Tomoharu Ushida’s 10th Anniversary of his pianist debut and we went to his recital, all Chopin programme. It was so good that we can’t help persuading my aunt to come to listen to his music the following day. (Since the recital tickets were sold out so soon, additional performance had been set up.)

We’re glad that we asked, as my aunt was touched so deeply, with his music and his character. I originally loved his Barcarolle, but Nocturn No.8 touched my heart so deeply and Polonaise-Fantaisie was superb!