国際環境NGOグリーンピースジャパンの特集ページ リンク
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I’m against the current use of nuclear power plants itself, not to mention to extend the usage of old nuclear power plants! Again, renewable energies should replace both thermal and nuclear energies.
Link to my past blog post “My Ppints of Contention for the Upper House Election #2”
There’s a chance to raise your voice regarding this, as part of the public comment, until 20th January – sorry it’s a last minute notice as is often the case with my blog….
For those who are not familiar with this topic, you may refer this page by the International Environmental NGO Greenpeace Japan.
Link to the Greenpeace webpage
What is easy about the public comment this time may be that you don’t have to input any personal information. You can simply input one sentence against the prolonged use of nuclear power plants over 40 years.
Link to the public comment page
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
My mother told me that my hometown, Morioka was chosen as the second top of the 52 places to visit in 2023 by New York Times and apparently, there seems to be a bit of fuss about this in Morioka. I didn’t mean to introduce that particularly, but since Sawafuji-san, who inspired me to write a blog (though he doesn’t know), wrote about it, I also mention!
So, what I think is attractive about Morioka? Food is good. There’s a lot of nature. The air is clear. Even safer walking at night (though it’s one of a few good points of Japan in general). Summer night stroll after drinking in Morioka gives you especially comfortable feeling.
However, this person may tell you better about Morioka. Uehara-san is an ex-announcer of NHK, who loved Iwate so much that moved in, known by his very sentimental weather forecast announcements, elected as a prefectural assembly member.
His photos sometimes surprised me that such attractive city Morioka looked. I also support his political activities.
I also looked up some Morioka photos to share, but couldn’t really find good ones… just inserted one that taken in Iwate prefectural art museum in Morioka above.