作品はカナダ人振付師クリスタル・パイトの「フライト・パターン」で、難民をテーマにした作品です。英国時間5/22 11:59pmまではオンデマンドで鑑賞できます。
ロイヤルオペラハウスのウェブサイト リンク

おしゃべりクッキングから、桜えびとアスパラのスパゲッティ (Oshaberi Cooking recipe, aired on 28th January, 2022)
Royal Opera House (ROH) announced its fundraising programmes for Ukraine, and one of them was held at Royal Opera House Stream, meaning that anyone who purchased the ticket can watch it online.
The offered programme is Canadian choreographer Crystal Pite’s “Flight Pattern”, whose theme is refugees. It is still available to watch on-demand until 11.59pm BST 22 May 2022.
Link to the ROH website
You can pay £7 to watch this 30 minutes programme, but you may add as much as you would like, as all net proceeds will go to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
To be honest, I generally prefer classic ballet rather than contemporary ballet, and I sometimes don’t really understand what some contemporary ballets want to express. So I’m not sure if I could understand it well, but I felt pain, chaos, fatigue, despair, watching it. I hope this won’t put you off, as this work also contains hope. But for ballet beginners, I’d say it’s not very typical type of ballet (like Tchaikovsky’s 3 ballets), so please don’t judge ballet by this, even if it is not your taste.
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
It’s been nearly a month since my favourite tv series Oshaberi Cooking ended… sigh
But I continue cooking relying on this archives. Today’s lunch was also meat free recipe from its (rather recent) archive. This may be due to my Chinese blood (my father is Chinese), but I like dried shrimps in general.