季節のご挨拶 Season’s Greetings 2022

青空文庫「銀河鉄道の夜」(宮沢賢治 著)リンク
Miyazawa, K. Night of the Milky Way Railroad, Aozora Bunko






Christmas trifle                                                          

Belated happy Christmas, everyone. Hope you had a good time and having a happy new year.

Highlight of my Christmas holiday was that I went to watch a stage adaptation of “Night of the Milky Way Railroad” of Kenji-senpai played by a theatrical company called Tokyo Engeki Ensemble in 24th afternoon. How genius Kenji-sanpai was. I knew it. This is actually my favourite works of him among only a few books of his I’ve read. The play was full of ingenuity, and was a very good play I would say, though I have to admit that Niiza was still a bit too far choice to me….

I also watched Marugeki theming the war in Ukraine at 25th night. I totally agree it’s important not to forget.
Link to the digest version

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I made Christmas trifle this year. It looks and also is generally considered easy, but it’s actually not! Especially the home made custard cream makes it hard, but it was actually very nice and totally worth it. Glad I skipped baking sponge cake and bought castella at least, though.