年の瀬に思うのは Things I Think about at the End of the Year

I stand with Palestine.





ロイヤルバレエのプリンシパルダンサー ワディム・ムンタギロフ(写真掲載許可取得済み)
Royal Ballet Principal Dancer Vadim Muntagirov (photo permission granted)

2023 is ending. Looking back, there have been a lot happened both in Japan and in this world. The most shocking thing for me was the genocide in Gaza. And that is ongoing.

I joined another protest on the 10th, that time in front of the National Diet Building. I feel now that I should boycott US products and brands as well. Many people, especially in Arabic countries, already boycott the symbolic brands of the US, such as Starbucks and McDonald’s. I happened to have met T-san, who is the member of the regular JCP activity in the area, at the protest, and went home together afterwards. It’s good to connect with people here and there.
Link to my past blog post “Came to Join the Activity on the Street”

It was so hot in December that I almost felt that I should join an activity for climate change next.

Not so much change this year personally, on the other hand. It’s difficult to generalise, but quite often, I perceive changes as good things. In nature, I love being laid back and having time off, but I’d rather choose to get out of my comfort zone. Hope there will be good changes to you and myself in 2024.

The poster of the Sleeping Beauty with the autographs