都・区政報告会 Tokyo Metropolitan and Ward Administration Briefing



Sea urchin ramen (left) and soy sauce ramen with Hida beef (wagyu) (right)

I went to the Tokyo/Setagaya administration briefing held by JCP local councilors today. I joined it halfway through and the reporting part was over by then, and it was already the Q&A part. The majority of the audiences there seemed to be elderly, but those elderly are so active! Questions one after another, reacting each other. It seemed my turn would never come… well, I could still leave my requests through notes, so…. Affected by Shinji Miyadai or Kohei Saito, who value municipalism, I also believe in it, so this kind of activity is important. It’s also interesting to see how local councilors are working on for better lives of its citizens.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I went to a family lunch at the Tokyo Ramen Festival in Komazawa Park, and that’s actually why I went late for the briefing. I love ramen! If only the portion had been more….