この時期に鈴木エイトさんをゲストに招いた#ヨルカラナンデス には拍手です。
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「牛田智大 ラフマニノフを弾く」というコンサート(指揮:飯盛範親、オーケストラ:東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団)に行って来ました。正直ラフマニノフの曲はあまり知らないのですが、ショパンの時と同じように、我が智の演奏は、ラフマニノフという作曲家が如何に素晴らしかったのかという事に気づかせてくれます。狂詩曲も協奏曲第3番もどちらも、ただただ素晴らしかったです!この2曲でとても興奮した後、アンコールのラフマニノフ前奏曲23-4が宥めてくれました。

Press coverage regarding the Unification Church has gone downhill, though the problem itself hasn’t been over.
I agree that it’s important to rehash problems repeatedly, so I respect what the talk event #YorukaraNandesu! attempted, featuring the issues around Unification Church at this timing, inviting Eito Suzuki, a famous journalist pursuing this issue.
As always, I listened now and then, while my hirumania (=fans of its original series #HirukaraNandesu) mother enjoyed it.
I wonder how those who are not familiar with current political topics will feel, but their talk is very fun, at least for us, though the topics themselves are depressing.
The archive video is available with 2,000 JPY until 14th of June 9pm (JST), so recommended if you can be in time!
Link to the archive video
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
I went to the concert “Tomoharu Ushida plays Rachmaninoff”(maestro: Norichika Iimori, orchestra: Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra). To be honest, I’m not very familiar with Rachmaninoff, but as is the case of Chopin, our Tomo’s play make us discover how great Rachmaninoff actually was! Both Rhapsody and Piano Concerto No. 3 were just great. And the encore’s Rachmaninoff Prelude in D major, Op. 23 No. 4 soothed the excitement.