最も簡単な気候変動に対するアクション?The Easiest Action to Take against Climate Change?



エコシア リンク












東海の 小島の磯の白砂に われ泣きぬれて蟹とたはむる



不来方の お城の草に 寝転びて 空に吸はれし 十五の心


やわらかに 柳あおめる北上の 岸辺目に見ゆ 泣けとごとくに



はたらけど はたらけど猶(なほ)わが生活(くらし) 楽にならざりぢっと手を見る



新しき 明日の来るを信ずといふ 自分の言葉に嘘はなけれど



【中古】 モルダウ〜ロマンティック・ソロ・アルバム(Blu−spec CD2)/グザヴィエ・ドゥ・メストレ(hp) 【中古】afb

(2022/9/25 18:35時点)


I missed joining the Global Climate Strike on Friday… I wanted to join but my schedule or stamina didn’t allow me to…. I think joining existing activity is also relatively easy, but thinking about the easiest action to take, I think it’s to use Ecosia for your search engine… well, for the internet users.

Ecosia is a search engine, and by replacing your google search by Ecosia, you can help Ecosia plant trees.
Link to Ecosia

There’s no extra cost for you to pay, and Ecosia will use its ad revenue for activities to plant trees.

You can simply bookmark it, but in order not to forget to search with Ecosia, I’d recommend you to add it as your web browser extension (so you’ll automatically search with Ecosia each time), and add app to your devices.

Isn’t it wonderful? You don’t even need to change your life style. I don’t like google very much, so it’s also nice that I can bypass it.

The second easiest for me is to use natural/environmentally friendly/organic products for something I like, such as food, cosmetic and clothing. It’s not always easy though. I have to travel distance to get what I need. I have to give up getting what I thought I wanted, when I discover they don’t meet my standard for environment. Those products also tend to be more expensive. Still, I have enthusiasm for food, cosmetic and clothing, so I can feel it’s fun at the same time.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

Last week was very busy week. I had plans every weekday night, as well as work was also busy.

Tuesday night, I went to the duo recital by harpist Xavier de Maistre and soprano singer Maki Mori.

I’ve been fan of Xavier for quite sometimes by now, so it was very nice to listen to his play live again for the first time in a long time, but Maki Mori-san’s singing was also very beautiful. No wonder she’s popular. Though my aunt might say that she can’t match Maria Callas.

Interestingly, there was a few old Japanese songs performed, and one of them was based on the Japanese poem by my another senpai, Takuboku Ishikawa.

This reminded me of how genius he was…. this may be a good chance to introduce some of my favourite poems of him.

A poem struck me with his genius.

Tears stream dwon my cheek

Into the coarse white sand.

to sit playing withe a crab.

Takuboku Ishikawa “A Handful of Sand” (translation by Roger Pulvers)

A poem I can’t miss as a person from Morioka (though the translation misses the word the “castle of Kozukata”, which indicates Morioka…)

I dozed off in the weeds

As the sky seized

My fifteen -year-old heart.

Takuboku Ishikawa “A Handful of Sand” (translation by Roger Pulvers)

I weep for the willows

With their tender young leaves

On the banks of my river at home.

Takuboku Ishikawa “A Handful of Sand” (translation by Roger Pulvers)

A poem I often refer when I feel exploited at work. But it’s not a joke really, there are many situations that people who work hard and still life is not easy, due to this deteriorated Japanese society.

However long I work 

Life remains a trial. 

I just stare into my palms. 

Takuboku Ishikawa “A Handful of Sand” (translation by Roger Pulvers)

Let’s cite a poem from “Sad Toys” as well.

I believe in the new age.

My belief and my word

Are one…yet.

Takuboku Ishikawa “Sad Toys” (translation by Roger Pulvers)

Back on Xavier, I have two CDs and I’d recommend both! But then, I could only find one with second hand. Is it out-of-print?! Oh no….

Newly got the best album, and this one’s still on.

ザ・ベスト・オブ・グザヴィエ・ドゥ・メストレ [ マグリ・モスニエール ]

(2022/9/25 18:40時点)