パキスタンは国際的支援を必要としている Pakistan Needs International Support


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検索すると、国境なき医師団と、難民を助ける会(AAR Japan)というところが見つかりました。AAR Japanの事は知らなかったので、今回はこちらに寄付してみる事にしました。

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The day’s poster, though the photo is used the way ballet dancers’ photos are

I saw this post by Saito (Kohei) sensei and was immediately like, yes, sir! and donated some for Pakistan.
Link to the Twitter post

I agree it’s mainly developed countries’ responsibility.

Once thought of donating via this GoFundMe as introduced, but typical of me changed my mind and switched to a donor, which is eligible for tax deduction.
Link to the Twitter post

MSF and AAR Japan, which supports refugees, hit my search. Since I’ve never come across AAR Japan before, I decided to try AAR Japan.

But then, I found this post afterwards, and donated again, this time to MSF… such a follower I am.Link to the Twitter post

Having said that, today’ ‘time for that’

Went to a recital of our Tomo (Tomoharu Ushida) again, but this time dragged my brother as well. After all this time, I noticed that great music is a deep healing, so I think it was also good for him such a tired person, even though he’s not interested. Not to mention all the main programme, but the encore “Consolations” (Liszt) was especially healing.