玉城デニー氏に清き一票よろしくお願いします Please Vote for Denny Tamaki




澤藤さんのブログページ リンク


或いは直前ですが#ヒルカラナンデス のスピンオフ、#沖縄ナンデス も見る事ができます。有料ですが、「ヒルマニア」の母が見ると言っているので、私も見る事になるかなと思います。
#沖縄ナンデス リンク





Tea time at Hotel New Grand, Yokohama. (photo permission granted)                                       

I doubt if there’s anyone with voting right for Okinawan gubernatorial election among my blog readers, but perhaps you may ask your friends in Okinawa?

To be honest, I don’t know much about him. He is the candidate of All Okinawa and his rival candidates are supported by current government/LDP are enough reasons for me to back him.

So, I looked up a trusted source. Sawafuji-san’s blog. This is written last time, not this time.
Link to Sawafuji-san’s blog

The situation is a bit different now and there may be more things to consider, but I think this actually shows his personality well.

Or you may also watch the #HirukaraNandesu spinoff #OkinawaNandesu last minute. It costs some, but since my mother, who is “Hiru mania” said she’d be watching, I’ll probably also be watching.
Link to #OkinawaNandesu

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

Is it I go too often, or I write blog too occasionally, it’s about the concert of Tomoharu Ushida again.

Last weekend, I went to the piano recital for 3 German Romantic piano sonatas. So gorgeous!

And I had gorgeous tea time at nearby Hotel New Grand. I like this place and couldn’t help registering its app, though I can’t go so often.