Poster of the Marugeki Live 2023
マル激5金スペシャル リンク

I can’t believe that it’s already more than half a year since when I attended this.
Most part (=except for the Q&A part) can be watched here, so I won’t explain much (to be honest, it’s already half a year ago and I’ve forgotten… ouch).
Link to the 5th Friday free programme of videonews.com
In my experience, Q&A session doesn’t necessarily go well. It pretty much depends on what questions raised would be. But this time, I think the questions are good and it made the onsite attendance even more worthwhile. Especially Miyadai-sensei’s answer to the final question (“I’m a teacher at a public elementary school. Do you have any advice for public school teachers?”) was great and there was spontaneous applause.
Again, I’m sorry to say that I can’t remember what exactly he said… but as far as I remember, he sympathised the hardships public school teachers face, made his general recommendation of teaching at private schools, whose president is aspiring, but said that on the contrary it is exactly a person like him our society needs for public schools. He further recommended to grow community, connect with fellows like who attended the event.
So we also went for a dinner with some of the people, who attended the event. It was pretty fun. Various opinions on various topics, of course, and opinions can never be exactly identical, but we can have meaningful and respectful exchange of opinions.
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
Also more than half a year ago, I went to watch a kabuki stage for the first time in my life (,and I already watched 3 more times since then)!
It was rather a unique kabuki for a beginner, set in India and is a fantasy, but it was so much fun! Very gorgeous (Gods of India!) and important messages (precious peace and stupid humans, with slight hope).
About five years ago, when I went to watch Noh for the time with Y-san (the friend who currently lives in NZ), I couldn’t stop falling asleep, though I could enjoy the kyogen part by Mansai Nomura. But kabuki is so fun and it seems I found another hobby.

Kabukiza in Higashiginza