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Lawyer/author/blogger Sawafuji-san recommends each of us to express opposition to the National Funeral Service of Shinzo Abe, with our own words, with our own way.
Link to Sawafuji-san’s blog
So I’d like to write about it here… though I pretty much feel that the statements by the “Class of 23rd Lawyers Network” already covered all the points.
In my case, I’m against it for one thing, there’s no law supports national funeral services – the Cabinet approved the Cabinet decision, as is always (except for contingency clause, which they want to use for the reason for the constitutional amendment) the case. He did all the bad things, and I can’t think of anything good. And most of all, it’s such a waste of money, our tax!
I also signed for this petition.
Link to a petition on Change.org
Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’
I wrote about the most recent concert I’ve been, but I haven’t written about the last time I went. It was again, Tomoharu Ushida’s two piano concert. This time with Kanon Matsuda, another famous young pianist.
As the two piano concert with Yukio Yokoyama was also superb (even though it was electric piano concert!), I expected this also to be great.
And it was! Our Tomo playing alone is already great, but playing with other artists is also very fun to watch. It’s like exploring another realm.