また生活が不便になるけれど・・・ Life Will Become Less Convenient Again…








家庭画報「きものSalon 2017-18秋冬号」リンク
Kimono Salon 2017-18 Autumn Winter Issue, Katei Gaho


過去のブログ記事「#ヨルカラナンデス! Vol. 15」

I normally try to choose local ingredients than imported ingredients as quite often, they’re healthier, environmentally more friendly and tasty.

I normally try to avoid products made in developing countries, as there tend to be exploitation behind the cheaper products produced in those countries.

Still, I often use products and services provided by the overseas developed countries. For instance, fashion. Some of my favourite brands are British brands. Not a small portion of my clothing consists of Mackintosh, Margaret Howell, DAKS etc. or Alex Monroe and Sweet Pea are my favourites for accessories.

However after watching Marugeki, I feel I must choose domestic brands and products more than those of overseas if I wish this country to get better.
Link to the digest version
The guest Tauchi-san is also the host of another videonews.com channel, Oiconomia, but unlike the average programme of his, this one was easy to understand. (Oiconomia usually handles more complicated economics themes, and unfortunately, a false ex-student of BA Economics can’t easily understand… but you may try, as the first episode is for free.)

So this means I’ll have more restrictions in shopping and consuming… but fortunately, it seems I don’t really care. Rather… shall I wear kimono?

My mother’s cousin, Y-san, appeared for a snap article of the “Kimono Salon” above. Fine taste, so cool!

Link to my past blog post “#YorukaraNandesu! Vol.15”