“Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death”

Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death: A Buddhist View of Life【電子書籍】[ Daisaku Ikeda ]

(2022/7/9 18:29時点)

Middleway Press『Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death: A Buddhist View of Life』(池田大作 著)リンク
Ikeda, D. (2014) Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death: A Buddhist View of Life, Middleway Press











池田氏は、仏教の哲学の中心は、傲慢で自己中心的な「lesser self」の牢獄から抜け出し、真の自己である「greater self」を探し求めることだと言います。そういう意味では、例えば10代の頃とか、今より若くて、もっと大きくてくだらないエゴにとらわれている時に読みたかったなと思う本です。










This is a book by Daisaku Ikeda, and some of you may already notice but this is a book of Soka Gakkai.

I don’t really have either positive or negative impressions on religions in general, but religions have been somewhat familiar to me.

I remember that my late grandfather I respect was a believer of GLA. I personally went to Christian kindergarten, and the learning there is still a foundation for me. As a child, I naturally became to think that we all must try to live right, though a devil appears to disturb you in the way. I learned basic good and bad there, and it was like a learning of morals.So rather exceptionally to be honest, my impression of Soka Gakkai might have been more negative than positive, since it was the supporting body of Komeito, the political party in coalition with the Liberal Democratic Party.

But I met some people, who follow the teachings of Soka Gakkai, and they happen to be ones of the nicest people I met in my life. This is a book such friend R (if I can call her that), who is a ballerina I had admired, gave me. Another such friend N kindly introduced me to R. N told me that they had become friends through the practice meeting of Soka Gakkai.

I could consume this book as ‘philosophy’, as R said. Due to my lack of basic knowledge of Buddhism and/or lack of English proficiency, it wasn’t very easy to follow, so my understanding may be limited, but I think this gives you some hints for life anyway.

In a way, some of what are told in this book, such as overcoming ego and helping people are similar to Christian teaching. But the view of this book was much more positive than the Christian view.

In my understanding, Christian standpoint is that we all human beings are sinners. We keep making mistakes and keep forgiving.

On the other hand, this book emphasises the limitless human potential and true happiness. It also accepts the good aspect of generally bad things, such as ego.

While I feel it is quite right that all human being are sinners, I prefer to believe the limitless human potential in my everyday life.

Ikeda explains the centre of the Buddhist philosophy as “breaking out the prison of the ‘lesser self’, which is arrogant and egotistic, and seek for the true self, ‘greater self'”. In that way, I wanted to read this when I was younger, say, teenager, when I was taken over by much bigger, trivial, ego than now.

Through the explanations of some heard concepts such as four sufferings and karma or Ten Worlds, this book suggests how to grow and be happy. I wouldn’t say that I agree 100%, but there are definitely some truth. Especially if you’re feeling that you can’t live positively everyday or feel anxiety for life, it’s worth reading.

This book was also actually much more scientific than I imagined and reminded us how limited our science was at the same time.

I wonder why Soka Gakkai believers continue to support Komeito.

Having said that, today’s ‘time for that’

I went and listen to Tomoharu Ushida’s piano the other day in Koriyama. It was the concert by Yamagata Symphony Orchestra and he played Chopin’s Piano Concerto No.1 with them.

What a brilliant, yet heartbreaking in a way, music! Koriyama is rather far but it completely paid off.

I also enjoyed Koriyama half a day and stayed hot spring inns at night. What a treat!

Traveling to enjoy art seems to have become my (costly) hobby.