日本が基本的なコロナ対策ができない理由 The Reason Why Japan Can’t Take Basic Anti-COVID19 Measures









朝日放送テレビウェブサイト リンク



As many people are aware, Japan’s not really taking basic measures for anti-COVID19, such as thorough PCR test, Airport Quarantine and conversion of hospital beds to secure the beds for COVID19 patients, even now.

I thought it must be due to the do-nothing, plan-nothing government, which doesn’t really care about people.

However, this Fukabori TVver.2 video explains the deeper-rooted problem, such as the medical technical officials of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, putting their vested interest first.
Link to the free first half video

Unfortunately this time, you probably need to proceed to the paid part to understand this problem though…

So after hearing the announcement, I requested to rebroadcasting of past recipes and seasonal special new editions. Please join me if you’re interested in cooking, or rather, don’t like cooking, I really recommend the recipes of Oshaberi Cooking. 80% of the recipes are easy. Emiko Kaminuma said they were all delicious and she experienced only 2 recipes, which were failure, among more than 6,000 recipes (am I calculating right?)!

Link to the ABC TV website

Oshaberi Cooking in the ‘TV Programme List’ at the bottom -> ‘Opinions and Feedback’
(Sorry it’s cumbersome but it doesn’t allow direct linking to the individual page)