港区のエコプラザのイベントに参加しました An Event by Minato Ward ECO PLAZA



Someone I met at last year’s Marugeki Live, works for Minato Ward ECO PLAZA, and asked me if I’d be interested in an event that was holding.

I couldn’t make it on that day but since it would offer an archived video, I decided to register, and just watched it today.
Link to the Eco Plaza event page

Food x environment is one of the best area that I’m interested in, but the talk turned out to be very depressing…. Oh well still, I always believe that knowing and facing the reality is the first step.

It’s so natural fact that we would face lack of food and die of starvation once a big war happens, but I almost hadn’t been aware of this until pointed out. I also searched that at this very moment, one third of the global population starves while one fifth of food becomes a food loss. I have so plenty of food around me that I tend to forget this simple fact….

This festive season naturally comes with festive foods, but let’s also face this fact and do something! Also an excuse for not so motivated to prepare festive dinner for this holiday season?

I feel it’s also nice to get to know new things because of someone I met… I met through activities that I’m interested in. Makes my life more adventurous.

尚食(しょうしょく)〜美味なる恋は紫禁城で〜 DVD-SET1 [ ウー・ジンイエン[呉謹言] ]

(2024/12/31 22:39時点)